Login to your DMC account

Click the dropdown next to your Brand name

Click "Design" 


Click the "Add" icon to create a new Schedule 

Name your Schedule and provide an optional description

Click "SAVE" 

You will see the newly created Schedule listed

Click "EDIT" to add a Page to your Schedule 

10 A list of Published Pages is viewed on the left. Pages are created using the DMC Design Builder Tool. Drafts must be saved prior to being Published. Click and drag the Page you want to add to the Schedule into the calendar day you want the Page to begin playing.

11 Click on the entry in the Schedule to open and edit its properties 

12 You can change the page associated with this schedule block in this dropdown.

13 Click on the "Repeat Type" dropdown menu to change how ofter the Page repeats

Once means this Page will only appear for the day and time it is scheduled and will not repeat on any subsequent days or times. 

Daily means it will repeat every day at the time you set. 

Weekly allows you to choose which days it will play in any week and it will repeat to play on those days every week. So you can choose Monday thru Friday and it will play every M-F until you tell it to end. 

Monthly allows you to choose the days in a particular month that it will play, allowing you flexibility to pre-schedule promotional menus for things like events that occur every other weekend, etc.

14 Click on the "Starts At" and "Ends At" fields to adjust times for Page to START or STOP playing. (Note: 24-hour time format). 

15 Or, Choose the "Does Not Expire" option if you want the Page to run indefinitely on the Scheudle.

16 Click "SAVE" to commit the changes to this Schedule Block 

17 Click "SAVE" to commit the changes to the entire Schedule.